PUNIT INSTRUMENT provides customize weighbridge RFID Solution, Its make secure process of weighbridge weighment, its avoided manual mistake by weighbridge operator and secure weighment, Also its improve weighment process speed so we can weighment more vehicle on same weighbridge.

RFID Weighbridge System / Weighbridge Automation

  • Solution with Long Range & Short Range RFID Reader
  • HF RFID reader / Long Range use with windshield Tag
  • Short Range RFID Reader use with Card Tag

Long / Short Range Solution :

  • UHF Reader use windshield Tag For vehicle detection
  • Reader Automatically detect Vehicle when come on weighbridge its range as per require like 1 meter to 10 meter
  • Software will Automatically weighment process & Ticket Printing
  • No need to Type vehicle plate no in entry screen on weighment time it will pick data from RFID Tag

Benefits :

  • Use RFID for Unmanned Weighing Process
  • Use RFID Solution For Operator less weighment process
  • Use this Solution for Fix Vehicle / Supplier Vehicle
  • Use this solution to internal material transfer, its automatically manage all transaction and transfer in ERP, SAP, Oracle etc.
  • When use vehicle on rent (Supplier Vehicle on Rent) for internal goods transfer then system use and stop mistake & thieving
  • Solution suitable for many industries like Sugar industries, OIL industries, Metal industries, Cement industries etc .
  • Same vehicle not weighment up to last weighment process complete
  • Facility for auto tare weight, take daily ones empty vehicle weight and use all days
  • Increase Security & reliability
  • Increase weighment Process speed
  • Avoid Entry level manual mistake by operator